A deer in Oasi Zegna (photo: Stefano Ramella)
There are various signs indicating the presence of these magnificent animals: tufts of fur left on branches when they scratch themselves; marks left on the ground by their hooves for the far from peaceful purpose of staking out their territory; signs of movement around shallow pools of water that deer often use to rid themselves of parasites. Another indicator of their presence is their small, acorn-shaped droppings.
You can listen to the males bellowing if you know where to go, when and how to approach. It’s possible to see deer feeding if you stop at the Bocchetto Sessera service area and point your binoculars at Alpe Casari.
Oasi Zegna’s fauna is described and illustrated (with rigorous classifications) in “Guida zoologica su mammiferi, rettili and anfibi” (Zoological guide to mammals, reptiles and amphibians”. Click here to view all the Oasi Zegna guidebooks on sale in the Casa Zegna book shop when exhibitions are on. For info: 015 7591463 - info@fondazionezegna.org - www.fondazionezegna.org/casa-zegna/